Home > Blossary: Education Terms


6 Terms

Created by: mirandazx

Number of Blossarys: 1

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Collected Terms

The program that studies nonproliferation and terrorism. It combines the knowledge and skills needed for work on curtailing the spread of weapons of mass destruction and responding effectively to terrorism.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

El programa que estudia la no proliferación y el terrorismo. Combina el conocimiento y habilidades necesarias para trabajar en la disminución de la distribución de armas, de la destrucción masiva y respuesta efectiva al terrorismo.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Career focus day is the day when the school invites local businesses and clubs to come to campus and provide career information to the students.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

El día cuando las escuelas invitan a clubes y empresas locales a asistir al campus y entregar información sobre carreras a los estudiantes.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

An interdisciplinary field of study that identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Un área interdisciplinaria de estudio que identifica, investiga y ofrece soluciones a problemas de la vida real relacionados con el idioma.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Qualifications or experience you need to have before you can be accepted as a student.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Calificaciones o experiencia necesaria antes de ser aceptado como estudiante.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Where families start the college application process. This is the college "sales force" and a good place to gather initial informations about the school.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Donde las familias comienzan el proceso de postulación a los colegios. Es la "fuerza de ventas" del colegio y un buen lugar para reunir información inicial sobre la escuela.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Merit Scholarship is the scholarship given by the university for excellent academic behaviors of the students.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

Es la beca dada por la universidad al comportamiento académico destacado de los estudiantes.

Domain: Education; Category: Higher education

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