主页 > 产品类别 > 医疗设备; 制药 > Clinical trials

Clinical trials

Clinical trials are sets of tests performed for medical research and drug development which is used to extract safety and efficacy data.


Clinical trials


生物技术; 生物化学

"a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it" Essential Requirements - Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC - Annex I, 13.1: Each device must be ...


生物技术; 生物医学

并发症,在医学上,是不赞同的演变的一种疾病、 健康状况或医疗。这种疾病可以变得更糟,其严重程度,或显示更多的迹象表明,症状或新的病理变化,变得很普遍,整个身体或影响其他器官系统。药物治疗,如药物或手术可能产生的不利影响和/或通过本身产生新的健康问题。一种新疾病也可能显示为一个以前的现有疾病的并发症。因此,一种并发症可能医源性,即字面上所带来的医师。有关疾病、 过程或治疗的医学知识通常需要一个列表的 ...


制药; 临床试验

(中一个生物体) 的吸收、 分布、 代谢、 排泄的药物或疫苗的进程。


制药; 临床试验

A placebo is an inactive pill, liquid, or powder that has no treatment value. In clinical trials, experimental treatments are often compared with placebos to assess the treatment's effectiveness.


制药; 临床试验

Refers to the testing of experimental drugs in the test tube or in animals - the testing that occurs before trials in humans may be carried out.


制药; 临床试验

A supposition or assumption advanced as a basis for reasoning or argument, or as a guide to experimental investigation.


制药; 临床试验

一个独立的委员会,由社区代表和临床研究专家组成的审查数据,而一项临床试验正在进行中,确保参与者不受到不必要的风险。数据安全监督委员会可建议如果有安全问题或审判的目标已经达到停止审判。 ...


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