Iznenadan gubitak povjerenja u financijski sistem, što uzrokuje široko rasprostranjene pokušaje da se prodaju dionice i obveznice i da se povuku fondovi iz banaka, često ...
To take apart, to undo, in order to seek out and display the assumptions, rhetorical strategies and blind-spots of texts. The dismantling of hierarchical binary oppositions such ...
For Barthes, the funtion of the mythologists, as opposed to that of the myth-makers, was to counter myth by exposing what he saw as delusion or lies (…) He wished to open the eyes ...
Discipline involves the organization of the subject in space through dividing practices, training and standarization. It produces subjects by categorizing and naming them in a ...
In Derrida's reading of Plato in Dissemination, Derrida would agree with Plato's notion of writing as a supplement or as a pharmakon. As a supplement introduced to the body, the ...
Effect of writing where the later is concieved, by Derrida, as a system of spacing and differences that encompasses language in general. As a site where the effects of writing are ...
A long, green, cylinder-shaped member of the gourd family with edible seeds surrounded by mild, crisp flesh. Used for making pickles and usually eaten ...