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舞蹈; 非裔美国人

A rare condition when one's legs and hips suffer severe pain while dancing ("I'm sorry, I'm afraid you have severe Twerkitis ...


语言; 语言学习

Pronounced bromshi; Complete disorder and confusion, a jumble or disorderly mass, a mess, absolute chaos, a total lack of ...


语言; 语言学习

One who closed-mindedly insists on only knowing and communicating in one language (ie, English), despite inhabiting a ...


语言; World languages

It's a combination between two languages , Arabic and English and it's used when someone's mood isn't that good or when someone ...


企业管理; Business management

A type of boss who stressed his subordinates with his bad mood, bad character and inefficiency. A toxic leader.

space funeral

个人生活; 葬礼

A form of burial service that sends the dead body into space instead of burring it on earth. The idea with space funeral is that ...


语言; 俚语

English that is badly spoken by first-language English speakers. Doglish results from the blend of "doggish" (= mean, bad) and ...


动物学; 动物学条款

A dog species that is a mix between a rottweiler and a labrador retriever.

Go bananas

语言; 俚语

Go bananas means go crazy , it's a funny way to say it but that what's used in slang , ex.I am going to go bananas if I don't ...


社会学; 普通社会学

Combination of the words frickin and tired. Feeling of extreme exhaustion with desire to do nothing.

smog mining

污染控制; 空气污染

Smog mining is the practice of harvesting minerals and other valuable elements from polluted air used in the manufacturing of ...


企业管理; Entrepreneurship

Business wisdom or wisdom underlying any business idea.

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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