类别 Technology
Company: Gartner
Created by: consultant
Number of Blossarys: 2
Application release automation (ARA) tools focus on the modeling and deployment of custom application software releases and their associated configurations, often for Java Platform, Enterprise ...
An application server is a modern form of platform middleware. It is system software that resides between the operating system (OS) on one side, the external resources (such as a database management ...
An application service provider (ASP) is defined as an enterprise that delivers application functionality and associated services across a network to multiple customers using a rental or usage-based ...
Application sharing is defined as the ability of two or more participants to have equal and simultaneous control over the content of a document inside an application (e.g., a word processing ...
The application software services segment includes back-office, ERP and supply chain management (SCM) software services, as well as collaborative and personal software services. It also covers ...
ACT I is a Gartner acronym representing the “survival locations” for integrated document management (IDM) vendors. A survival location is a market segment where a vendor can develop sustainable ...
Applications outsourcing is an outsourcing arrangement for a wide variety of application services including new development, legacy systems maintenance, offshore programming, management of packaged ...