类别 Science
Created by: dnatalia
Number of Blossarys: 60
- English (EN)
- Finnish (FI)
- Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
- Romanian (RO)
- Latvian (LV)
- Bulgarian (BG)
- Spanish (ES)
- Slovenian (SL)
Basically its the fear of work, Ergasiophobia can be a persistent and debilitating disorder in some people, causing significant psychological disability and dysfunction. These individuals may ...
Somniphobia comprises often irrational and excessive fear of sleep. Somniphobes may fear falling asleep because they associate going to bed with dying. It may also result from a feeling of lack of ...
Ablutophobia refers to the fear for bathing washing, cleaning. This is commonly seen in people who are very emotional. Ablutophobia will make the person gets dejected himself and as a result feel ...
The name for the phobia of being without mobile phone coverage was coined five years ago after researchers discovered the phenomenon. According to recent surveys, more than half of people in the UK ...
小丑恐惧症是一种异常或被夸大的恐惧的小丑。它不是常见的儿童,但有时也发现在青少年和成年人以及。患者有时后就个人而言,有一个不好的经历或看到一个阴险的写照之一在媒体中获得恐惧的小丑。小丑,肿红鼻子和不自然的头发颜色的怪异出现让这些人看起来如此神秘和奸诈。是受害者的小丑恐惧症的成人都知道他们的担心是完全没有理性和不合逻辑的但他们不能逃脱的情况。 ...
Klovni # klovnien pelko on epänormaali tai liioiteltu pelko clowns. Se ei ole harvinaista lapsilla, mutta esiintyy joskus myös nuorille ja myös aikuisille. Sairastuneille hankkia joskus pelko clowns ...
Coulrophobia is an abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns. It is not uncommon among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well. Sufferers sometimes acquire a fear of clowns ...
By: dnatalia