American Meteorological Society
行业: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
The vertical optical thickness of a Rayleigh atmosphere. The Rayleigh optical thickness is directly proportional to surface pressure and inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength. At a wavelength of 0. 5 μm, the Rayleigh optical depth is about 0. 145 at sea level.
The visibility along an identified runway, determined from a specified point on the runway with the observer facing in the same direction as a pilot using the runway. Compare runway visual range.
The visibility determined from a point on the ground, as opposed to control- tower visibility.
The volume in space within which are located the scatterers that contribute to the radar echo arriving at the receiver at a particular instant. Individual scatterers within the pulse volume contribute to the instantaneous signal and cannot be resolved. The pulse volume is therefore sometimes called the resolution volume. The extent in range of the pulse volume is determined by the convolution of the transmitted pulse with the receiver filter response and the extent in azimuth by the antenna pattern. Ordinarily, the radial extent of the volume is one-half the pulse length and the transverse extent is the 3-dB beamwidth.
The volume of rainfall available for direct surface runoff. It is equal to the total amount of rainfall minus all abstractions including interception, depression storage, and infiltration.
The volume of void space per total volume. See'' also'' void ratio.
The volume of water represented by a flow of 1 cubic foot per second for 24 hours; equal to 86 400 cubic feet. This is used extensively as a unit of runoff volume or reservoir capacity and is closely equivalent to 2 acre-feet.
The water flowing in a stream channel.
The water level in a well that is being pumped at a given rate.
The water loss, often expressed as a rate of flux, by a plant (or vegetated surface) when soil water is not limiting. Usually determined empirically for a plant or vegetation type and referenced to evaporation from a class-A evaporation pan. Potential transpiration may exceed pan evaporation (soybean at peak vegetative stage is about 105% of pan). See evapotranspiration.