American Meteorological Society
行业: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
The creation of a color lookup table for a grayscale image, or the creation of a color lookup table for a color image that is not the standard color mapping. For example, in a grayscale image with levels 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, pseudocoloring is a color lookup table that maps 0 to black, 1 to red, 2 to green, 3 to blue, and 4 to white.
The correspondence between a domain of the earth's surface and a plane surface (map) such that each point on one corresponds to one and only one point on the other. Typical projections used on weather charts include stereographic, Lambert conic, and Mercator.
The correlation between the spread of an ensemble forecast and the skill of the ensemble mean. Even in a perfect model, the spread skill correlation may be rather low since the spread is an estimate of the expected value of the difference between the ensemble mean and the verification, not an estimate of this difference in individual cases. See ensemble spread.
The constant of proportionality in Jeffreys's expression for the work done by the wind on the sea surface. It was assumed by Jeffreys that this work is proportional to the product of the density of air, the slope of the water surface, and the square of the wind velocity relative to the wave. Although the value of the sheltering coefficient (0. 27) found by Jeffreys gives a satisfactory explanation of the initial formation of wind waves, observations of the increase of wind waves shows that this value is about ten times too high for the subsequent transfer of energy from wind to waves.
The condition that results when a system is acted upon by a periodic driving force the frequency of which coincides with one of the natural frequencies of the system. The steady-state amplitude of the system, for fixed amplitude of the driving force, is a local maximum at a resonance frequency.
The condition in which vapor pressure is equal to the equilibrium vapor pressure over a plane surface of pure liquid water, or sometimes ice.
The condition at high water or low water when there is no change in the height of the tide. Compare slack water.
The component of vorticity that is parallel to the ambient velocity vector. See'' also'' helicity.
The component of a three-dimensional velocity vector oriented along the radial direction from the origin point or axis in polar, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates. In connection with Doppler radar, the radial velocity component is called Doppler velocity. See'' also'' curvilinear coordinates.
The complete cloud and precipitation structure associated with an area of rainfall sufficiently elongated that an orientation can be assigned. The band is either nonconvective or only weakly convective.