American Meteorological Society
行业: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
The climate characteristic of the regions immediately bordering the outer perimeter of an ice cap or continental glacier. The principal climatic feature is the high frequency of very cold and dry winds off the ice area. These regions have been thought to create ideal conditions for the maintenance of a belt of intense cyclonic activity.
The chemical destruction of a molecule following the absorption of light energy. See'' also'' photolysis, photochemical reaction.
The change in direction of tropical cyclone movement from westward and poleward to eastward and poleward, under the influence of midlatitude westerlies. Such recurvature of the path frequently occurs as storms move into midlatitudes and is a major concern in tropical cyclone forecasting.
The chance that a prescribed event will occur, represented as a pure number ''p'' in the range 0 ≤ ''p'' ≤ 1. The probability of an impossible event is zero and that of an inevitable event is unity. Probability is estimated empirically by relative frequency, that is, the number of times the particular event occurs divided by the total count of all events in the class considered. See probability theory.
The capability of the unsaturated zone to transmit water to the saturated zone.
The calculated value of atmospheric pressure at mean sea level or some other specified level, as derived (reduced) from station pressure or actual pressure. Thus, sea level pressure is nearly always a reduced pressure. See reduction.
The broad eastward flow that dominates the Indian Ocean north of 5°S during the southwest monsoon season (June–October) and extends into the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Current speeds are generally 0. 2–0. 3 m s<sup>−1</sup> but increase to 0. 5–1. 0 m s<sup>−1</sup> south of Sri Lanka. The Southwest Monsoon Current replaces the westward flowing North Equatorial Current and absorbs the eastward flowing Equatorial Countercurrent of the northeast monsoon season.
The branch of physical chemistry that deals with the determination of the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. The measurement of the rate coefficients for a large number of gas-phase chemical reactions has improved our ability to model the impact of human activities on the atmosphere. For description of some of the techniques used, See flash photolysis systems, laser-induced fluorescence, resonance fluorescence.
The bottom fifth of the convective atmospheric boundary layer where virtual potential temperature, wind speed, and humidity vertical gradients are nonzero. A convective boundary layer comprises three layers: the radix layer touching the ground, a uniform layer in the interior of the convective boundary layer, and an entrainment zone at the top. The classical surface layer, where Monin–Obukhov similarity theory applies to small shear- driven turbulent eddies, is a bottom subdomain of the radix layer.
The balance between the gain and loss of radiant energy by a specified system. In radiative equilibrium, there is no net radiative heating or cooling of the system. Examples of systems in, or approximately in, radiative equilibrium include the interior of thick water clouds and the long-term average of the planet Earth.