- 行业: Government
- Number of terms: 3992
- Number of blossaries: 2
- Company Profile:
A measurement of the quantity of dust and smoke in the atmosphere in a theoretical 1,000 linear feet of air. A COH of less than three is considered clean air and more than five is of some concern. COH readings of 20 or more can occur in urban areas.
Industry:Pollution control
A measurement of the ability to see and identify objects at different distances. Visibility reduction from air pollution is often due to the presence of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, as well as particulate matter.
Industry:Pollution control
A measure of the increase in ozone formation per unit weight of a hydrocarbon when added to the atmosphere.
Industry:Pollution control
A measured level of an air pollutant higher than the national or state ambient air quality standards. (See also NAAQS and CAAQS. )
Industry:Pollution control
A measure of the ability of an oil or other compound to lubricate (reduce friction) between two surfaces in contact.
Industry:Pollution control
A mathematical relationship between emissions and air quality which simulates on a computer the transport, dispersion, and transformation of compounds emitted into the air. For more information, please see our software webpage.
Industry:Pollution control
A major component of an indirect source control program which applies to new and modified indirect sources. Strategies for indirect source review include permit programs, review and comment on new and modified indirect source projects through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process, and coordination of air quality, transportation and land use policies through local government general plans. Indirect source review reduces emissions from new and modified sources through best available mitigation measures and additional offsite mitigation such as offsets and mitigation fees.
Industry:Pollution control
A location where emissions from specific sources may expose individuals and population groups to elevated risks of adverse health effects -- including but not limited to cancer -- and contribute to the cumulative health risks of emissions from other sources in the area. For more information, please go to our toxics hot spots website.
Industry:Pollution control
A group of counties or portions of counties, or an individual county specified in law with authority to regulate stationary, indirect, and area sources of air pollution within the region and governed by a regional air pollution control board comprised mostly of elected officials from within the region. (See also air pollution control district). For more information, please see our local air district directory.
Industry:Pollution control
A general term pertaining to compounds of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>) and other oxides of nitrogen. Nitrogen oxides are typically created during combustion processes, and are major contributors to smog formation and acid deposition. NO<sub>2</sub> is a criteria air pollutant, and may result in numerous adverse health effects.
Industry:Pollution control