Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
行业: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62402
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
This canned, unsweetened milk is fresh, homogenized milk from which 60 percent of the water has been removed. Vitamin D is added for extra nutritional value. It comes in whole, lowfat and skim forms; the whole-milk version must contain at least 7. 9 percent milk fat, the lowfat has about half that and the skim version 1/2 percent or less. As it comes from the can, evaporated milk is used to enrich custards or add a creamy texture to many dishes. When mixed with an equal amount of water, it can be substituted for fresh milk in recipes. Evaporated milk is less expensive than fresh milk and is therefore popular for many cooked dishes. It has a slightly caramelized, "canned" flavor that is not appreciated by all who taste it. Canned milk can be stored at room temperature until opened, after which it must be tightly covered and refrigerated for no more than a week. When slightly frozen, evaporated milk can be whipped and used as an inexpensive substitute for whipped cream.
Industry:Culinary arts
This category of nonnutritive, high-intensity sugar substitutes includes aspartame, acesulfame-K and saccharin. Two sweeteners undergoing FDA approval at this writing are alitame and sucralose. Cyclamate lost its FDA approval in 1970. Numerous new sweeteners are in various stages of development or review. Most of these are from two groups: the fructo-oligosaccharides (fos) and the L-sugars.
Industry:Culinary arts
This chilled Christmas beverage consists of a homogeneous blend of milk or cream, beaten eggs, sugar, nutmeg and usually liquor of some kind. Rum was the spirit noted in early references to the drink, but brandy and whiskey are also common additions. Liquor-free eggnog has long been served to convalescents and growing children. Some eggnogs are made by separating the eggs and stiffly beating the whites before adding them to the milk mixture; this produces an airier brew. Commercial eggnog is sans liquor and must contain 1 percent egg-yolk solids by weight. It's available in cartons beginning around mid-October. Canned eggnog can be found year-round in some locations, though some think its flavor takes on a metallic quality.
Industry:Culinary arts
This Chinese-American invention consists of a plain, griddle-baked wafer cookie that, while warm, is folded around a small strip of paper with a fortune printed on it. The cooled cookie becomes crisp and must be broken in order to retrieve the fortune.
Industry:Culinary arts
This classic English dessert is made with layers of bread, cake or ladyfingers (which may be soaked with liqueur), dried fruit and custard. The pudding is baked, unmolded and usually served with crème anglaise. Another version of cabinet pudding uses gelatin and whipped cream; rather than being baked, it's simply chilled until set.
Industry:Culinary arts
This classic French dish is composed of pieces of chicken, mushrooms, onions, bacon or salt pork and various herbs cooked together with red wine.
Industry:Culinary arts
This classic Greek cheese is traditionally made of sheep's or goat's milk, though today large commercial producers often make it with cow's milk. Because it's cured and stored in its own salty whey brine (see both listings), feta is often referred to as pickled cheese. White, crumbly and rindless, feta is usually pressed into square cakes. It has a rich, tangy flavor, contains from 45 to 60 percent milk fat and can range in texture from soft to semidry. Feta makes a zesty addition to salads and many cooked dishes. See also cheese.
Industry:Culinary arts
La parte commestibile interna del fusto dell'albero cabbage palm, che cresce in molti climi tropicali ed è albero ufficiale dello stato della Florida. Cuori di palma sono snelle, color avorio, delicatamente aromatizzato e costoso. Essi assomigliano asparagi bianchi, sans consigli. Loro struttura è compatta e liscia e il sapore ricordano un carciofo. Ogni stelo è di circa 4 centimetri di lunghezza e può variare in diametro da matita sottile a 1 a 1 1/2 pollici. Cuori di palma che otteniamo negli Stati Uniti sono da Florida o importati dal Brasile. Sono disponibili freschi solo in Florida e in altri paesi dove sono cresciuti. In scatola cuori di palma sono confezionati in acqua e possono essere trovati nei mercati gastronomici e molti grandi supermercati. Una volta aperto, dovrebbero essere trasferiti in un contenitore del metalloide con un coperchio ermetico. Essi possono essere refrigerati nel proprio liquido per fino ad una settimana. Cuori di palma possono essere usato in insalate e piatti principali, o fritti.
Industry:Culinary arts
This classic Italian dish of mixed boiled meats is particulary popular in the Emilia, Lombardy and Piedmont regions. The meats, which include veal, chicken and cotechino sausage, are accompanied by a rich meat broth and a piquant green sauce.
Industry:Culinary arts
This classic molded dessert begins with a mold lined with sponge cake, ladyfingers or buttered bread. The traditional charlotte container is pail-shaped, but almost any mold is acceptable. The lined mold is then filled with layers (or a mixture) of fruit and custard or whipped cream that has been fortified with gelatin. The dessert is chilled thoroughly and unmolded before serving. Charlotte russe, said to have been created for the Russian Czar Alexander, is a ladyfinger shell filled with the ethereal bavarian cream, and decorated elaborately with whipped-cream rosettes. The classic apple charlotte is a buttered-bread shell filled with spiced, sautéed apples. Unlike other charlottes, this one is baked and served hot.
Industry:Culinary arts