行业: Health care
Number of terms: 3360
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
CIGNA Corporation, headquartered in Philadelphia, provides health care and related benefits in the United States and internationally.
Health services rendered in the home to an individual who is confined to the home. Such services are provided to individuals who do not need institutional care, but who need nursing services or therapy, medical supplies and special outpatient services.
Industry:Health care
A health care facility that provides supportive care for the terminally ill.
Industry:Health care
An institution whose primary function is to provide diagnostic and therapeutic inpatient services, for a variety of surgical and non-surgical medical conditions. In addition, most hospitals provide outpatient services, including emergency care.
Industry:Health care
A denture constructed for immediate placement after removal of the remaining teeth.
Industry:Health care
An unerupted or partially erupted tooth that is positioned against another tooth, bone or soft tissue so that complete eruption is unlikely.
Industry:Health care
An alteration of health status, assessed by objective medical criteria. This is a medical finding.
Industry:Health care
An artificial device, usually made of a metal alloy or ceramic material, that is implanted within the jawbone as a means to attach an artificial crown, denture, or bridge.
Industry:Health care
An opportunity for a plan member to earn points toward prizes or extra dollars in the CIGNA Choice Fund HRA. Participating in a disease management programme is one way to gain these awards. For others, visit mycigna.com. (Note that incentives apply only to the HRA plan option.)
Industry:Health care
The four front teeth referred to as central and lateral incisors, located in the upper and lower jaws and used to cut and tear food. The central incisors are the two large teeth in the middle of the mouth and the lateral incisors are next to the central incisor, one on each side.
Industry:Health care
A type of health benefits plan under which the covered person pays 100% of all covered charges up to an annual deductible. The health benefits plan then pays a percentage of covered charges up to an out-of-pocket maximum.
Industry:Health care