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Canon is a leading provider of consumer, business-to-business, and industrial digital imaging solutions.
A method of determining the correct exposure for a photograph which gives more importance to the light meter reading at the center of the frame than to the peripheral areas. This method is often criticized for being too limiting to the photographer. The PowerShot S10, S20 and S100 all utilize a 3-point focal system that frees you from having to keep your subject centered at all times.
Industry:Consumer electronics
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. A type of semiconductor that has been, until the EOS D30, widely unavailable for digital cameras. CMOS semiconductors use two circuits, negative and positive polarity circuits. Because only one of the circuits can be on at once, CMOS chips are less energy consuming than other chips that utilize simply one type of transistor. This is a clear advantage of the CMOS sensor over the standard CCDs in use today.
Industry:Consumer electronics
Cyan, Magenta and Yellow. The three colors used to make all other colors. Like CMYK, CMY is used in printing to create the colors seen in a print.
Industry:Consumer electronics
a.k.a. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, BlacK. The color model in which all colors are described as combinations of these four colors. Most color printers, ink-jet, laser, dye-sublimation, thermal, and crayon printers use these as their printer colors. One of the biggest challenges of desktop publishing is color matching because the conversion from RGB to CMYK can cause color shifts - making it difficult to match the print with what is on your monitor.
Industry:Consumer electronics
A digital image storing mechanism that is increasing in popularity and thus functionality. Flash memory is a safe, highly reliable form of storage that doesn't need power to hold the images after they are saved. It won't erase the images unless the user chooses to do so.
Industry:Consumer electronics
If two colors, combined in the proper proportion form white light, then they are complimentary colors.
Industry:Consumer electronics
The compression of digital files in a format that requires less storage space. Compression techniques are distinguished from each other by whether they remove detail and color from the image. Lossless techniques compress image data without removing detail; lossy techniques compress images by removing some detail. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a lossy compression technique supported by JPEG, PDF, and PostScript language file formats. PowerShot digital cameras store their images in JPEG format, which provides the best results with continuous-tone images, such as photographs, when the size of the file is an important factor.
Industry:Consumer electronics
The difference between elements in a photograph. Contrast can include the difference between light and dark areas, or a marked difference in colors.
Industry:Consumer electronics
a.k.a. noise, dark noise. Pixels collect signal-charges in the absence of light over time, which can vary from pixel to pixel, and the result is known as dark current. PowerShot digital cameras reduce or eliminate dark current before a picture is captured.
Industry:Consumer electronics
The zone of in-focus elements, from front to back. Another way to put this is the range of distance that is acceptably sharp within a photograph. Depth-of field varies inversely with the aperture opening. In other words, a wide-open lens with an aperture of f/1.8 has little depth of field; if stopped down to f/16, almost everything from front to back will be sharply in focus.
Industry:Consumer electronics