- 行业:
- Number of terms: 2894
- Number of blossaries: 1
- Company Profile:
Canon is a leading provider of consumer, business-to-business, and industrial digital imaging solutions.
1024 Kilobytes, written MB, used to refer to the size of files or media such as hard drives. Refers to the amount of information in a file or how much information can be contained on a hard drive or disk.
Industry:Consumer electronics
A method of storing digital information that maps an image pixel out, bit by bit. The density of the pixels determines how sharp the image resolution will be. Most image files are bit mapped. This type of file gives you the 'jaggies,' stair-stepped edges that become apparent when you zoom in. Bitmap images are compatible with all types of computers. The desktop for all Windows machines uses .bmp files, while the Macintosh uses .pict files. Most Internet publishing and e-mail use JPEG or .JPG and .GIF (89a) formats. Canon PowerShot cameras store their pictures in JPEG format.
Industry:Consumer electronics
Exposure explains how light acts on a photographic material. The lens opening controls light intensity, while the duration is controlled by the shutter speed. A camera with autoexposure can automatically control the exposure. The same principle works with digital cameras where film is replaced by the CCD.
Industry:Consumer electronics
Driftsvejledning for specifikke opgave-baserede applikationer. Computerens processor udfører disse instruktioner. Software har skrevet for en bestemt computer operativsystem (OS). Canon PowerShot digitale kameraer prale af den mest brugervenlige og avancerede digitale kamera software bundter til dato.
Industry:Consumer electronics
The result of too little exposure in the camera. In digital imaging, under-exposure can sometimes be corrected by the use of image editing software.
Industry:Consumer electronics
An electronic device that produces a burst of light the consumer can use to produce more exposure on the film.
Industry:Consumer electronics
Liquid crystal display. The flat screen on many digital cameras that preview photographs that have already been taken. LCDs utilize two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. An electric current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align so that light cannot pass through them. Each crystal, therefore, is like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking the light.
Industry:Consumer electronics
パーソナル コンピューター メモリ カード国際協会カード。PCMCIA カード、クレジット カードのサイズについては、これらの PC カードがハードウェア能力の拡大デバイスの標準を開発されています。デジタル カメラで使用されるカードはリムーバブル記憶域とノートブックやデスクトップ PC にカメラから写真を転送する簡単な方法を提供します。
Industry:Consumer electronics
ポータブル ネットワーク グラフィックス。GIF に代わる特許不要として開発されたこの形式は、可逆圧縮のため World Wide Web 上の画像を表示する目的のため使用されます。WWW コンソーシアムの代替として採用し、GIF をいくつかの古いバージョンの Web ブラウザーの中に可能性があります、PNG イメージをサポートしていませんが。
Industry:Consumer electronics