Federal Aviation Administration
行业: Government
Number of terms: 35337
Number of blossaries: 0
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Used by ATC to inform a pilot when an accurate estimate of the delay time and the reason for the delay cannot immediately be determined; e.g., a disabled aircraft on the runway, terminal or center area saturation, weather below landing minimums, etc.
A system where digital radar and beacon data is presented on digital displays and the operational program monitors the system performance on a real-time basis.
Flights that are required to land at other than their original destination for reasons beyond the control of the pilot/company, e.g. periods of significant weather.
The complex integrated environment consisting of situation display systems, surveillance systems and flight data processing, remote devices, decision support tools, and the related communications equipment that form the heart of the automated IFR air traffic control system. It interfaces with automated terminal systems and is used in the control of en route IFR aircraft.
A program designed to assist the exit sector in achieving the required in-trail spacing.
Used under certain conditions to provide a pilot with an altitude to be used in the event of two-way communications failure. It also provides altitude information to assist the pilot in planning.
The runway release time assigned to an aircraft in a traffic management program and shown on the flight progress strip as an EDCT.
The time a pilot can expect to receive clearance beyond a clearance limit.
Used to inform a pilot of the routing he/she can expect if any part of the route beyond a short range clearance limit differs from that filed.
A ground broadcast service provided through the ADS-B Broadcast Services network over the UAT data link that operates on 978 MHz. The FIS-B system provides pilots and flight crews of properly equipped aircraft with a cockpit display of certain aviation weather and aeronautical information.