- 行业: Energy
- Number of terms: 2953
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Platts is a global provider of news, research, commentary, market data and analysis, and daily price assessments on the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical, and metals markets. The company sells subscriptions to its content, which is offered through websites, ...
Eine US-Bundesbehörde gegründet 1977, unter anderem, die interstate Großhandel Gas und Transport von Gas und Elektrizität "gerechten und vernünftigen" Preisen zu regulieren. Befindet sich in Washington.
Eines starken Treibhausgases in Hochspannung elektrische Isolation, und medizinische Anwendungen, unter anderem verwendet.
Również znany jako catfeed. Surowiec dla płynów krakersy katalityczne stosowane do benzyny, oleju napędowego i innych produktów ubocznych.
A measure of the ignition quality of a diesel fuel calculated from a formula involving the gravity of the fuel and its aniline point.
Noto anche come catfeed. Materie prime per fluido cracker catalitici usati per fare benzina, gasolio e altri sottoprodotti.
En aftale, der indeholder de generelle vilkår og betingelser for køb, salg eller udveksling af elektricitet, men gør ikke liste specifikke kontrakt detaljer eller forpligter parterne til at udføre.