- 行业: Energy
- Number of terms: 2953
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Platts is a global provider of news, research, commentary, market data and analysis, and daily price assessments on the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical, and metals markets. The company sells subscriptions to its content, which is offered through websites, ...
Three parallel trendlines are drawn linking a major low or high with a point either side of this marking an intermediate high or low. The lines are extended to generate support/ resistance levels. The lines look a bit like the prongs of a pitchfork, hence the indicator’s name.
This is a simple momentum-type indicator. It is the simple momentum over n days divided by the price n days ago.
The place where natural gas is aggregated from many receipt points to serve a number of contracts without tying a particular receipt point to a particular contract.
An option which has intrinsic value. A put option is in-the-money when its strike price is above the value of the underlying futures contract. A call option is in-the-money when its strike price is below the value of the underlying futures contract.
Typically ethane, propane butane and isobutane. Usually produced at refineries or natural gas processing plants, including plants that fractionate raw natural gas plant liquids. LPG can also occur naturally as a condensate.
Gas required in a storage pool to maintain sufficient pressure to keep the working gas recoverable. Also called "base gas".
The following are standard abbreviations used by Platts.
: Currency Standard Telex Print
: US Dollar $ USD
: Cents cts ý
: Yen Yen ý
: Australian dollar A$ AUD
: Singapore dollar S$ S-DLR
: Canadian dollar C$ CAN
: Hong Kong dollar HK$ HKD
: Euro EUR
: British Pound GBP ý
: French franc FFr
: Swiss Franc SFr
: Belgian Franc BFr
: Deutschmark/Mark DM
: Spanish peseta PTA
: Dutch guilder NLG
: Norwegian Krone NOK
: Danish Krone DKr
: Swedish Krone SKr
: Finnish Markka FIM
: European Currency Unit ECU
: Italian lire ITL
: Greek drachma DRA
: Austrian schilling SCH
: Portuguese escudo ESC
: Malaysian ringgit MR
: Rubles Rb
: UAE Dirham DH
: Not abbreviated:
: Baht Thailand
: Bolivar
: Crown Czech Republic, Slovakia
: Dinars Kuwait, Iraq
: Dram Armenia
: Egyptian Pounds
: Forint Hungary
: Hryvnya Ukraine
: Irish Punt
: Kwacha Zambia
: Manat Azerbaijan
: Peso
: Rand
: Real
: Riyals Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran
: Rupee India
: Rupiah Indonesia
: Shekel Israel
: Som Several former Soviet Union Muslim republics
: Tenge Kazakstan
: Turkish Lira
: Won S. Korea
: Yuan China
: Zloty Poland.
Any element containing an isotope with nuclei capable of undergoing fission as a result of interaction with slow neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The two most common examples of such isotopes are uranium-235 and plutonium-239, but uranium-233 is also important.
The transfer of a position from one futures period to another involving the purchase (sale) of the nearby month and simultaneous sale (purchase) of a further-forward month.