- 行业: Energy
- Number of terms: 2953
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Platts is a global provider of news, research, commentary, market data and analysis, and daily price assessments on the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical, and metals markets. The company sells subscriptions to its content, which is offered through websites, ...
Intermediate product derived from tungsten concentrates.
Unused capacity available from units connected to and synchronized with the grid to serve additional demand. The spinning reserve must be under automatic control to instantly respond to system requirements.
A plant in which the turbine generators are driven by falling water.
A transmission element designed to inject reactive power into the transmission network. Also used to increase voltages, reduce loadings, and increase available kW output from generators. Capacitor ratings typically given in Megavars.
The amount of electricity delivered or required at any specific point or points on a system. The load of an electricity system is effected by many factors and changes on a daily, seasonal, and annual basis, typically following a pattern. System load is usually measured in megawatts (MW).
An agreement to make or take delivery of a commodity at a fixed date or strip of dates in the future, at a price agreed upon at the time of dealing.
A thermal electricity generating plant which creates steam to drive a turbine.
Product is sold when the goods in question are placed on the quay alongside the vessel. FAS is often traded in the US polymer export market.
A Platts assessment is the product of a market survey and the application of strict methodological rules to determine the repeatable tradable price range for a commodity during the assessed period. Assessment typically aims to zero in on these typical transactable levels by discarding unrepresentative market information (out-of-market bids, offers and transactions), and the process differs in this respect from indexation, which is an inclusive process, averaging all available market information. Platts produces indexes in highly liquid markets, for example North American natural gas; and assessments in illiquid markets, such as those for physical oil. Platts assessments typically are published as a low-high range for each instrument.
The degree to which a particular price has fluctuated in the past.