Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies
行业: Energy
Number of terms: 2953
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Platts is a global provider of news, research, commentary, market data and analysis, and daily price assessments on the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical, and metals markets. The company sells subscriptions to its content, which is offered through websites, ...
A popular INCOTERM among eastern European petrochemical producers. A different railway gauge means product has to be transshipped before continuing on into western Europe.
A refinery or petrochemical plant is said to be "in turnaround" when it is taken out of service of maintenance, usually planned.
One gigawatt-hour equals one billion watthours.
A gasoline blending component made in a cat cracker.
Has an API gravity higher than 33 degrees. The higher the API gravity, the lighter the crude oil.
National level greenhouse gas emission allowances established under the Kyoto Protocol. One AAU represents one metric ton of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas. The amount held by each country is determined by the 1990 emissions baseline and national Kyoto target for 2008-2012. AAUs are tradable at state level only. A country failing to meet its Kyoto emissions reduction target can buy AAUs from another Kyoto Annex I country that has met its target and holds a surplus.
The requirement imposed by electricity grids or natural gas pipelines that supply and demand be equal over a certain time period.
Valuable mineralization not sampled enough to estimate accurately the terms of tonnage and grade. Also called indicated reserves.
The Strait of Hormuz is the sea-passage out of the Persian Gulf between Iran on the eastern shore and the UAE and Oman on the west.
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two (occasionally three) parts following neutron capture, accompanied by the release of energy, two or more neutrons, and radiation. The released neutrons may cause the fission of other fissile atoms, thus creating a chain reaction; this physical reaction is the basis of nuclear energy generation.