Schlumberger Limited
行业: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 8814
Number of blossaries: 0
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Запись на месте скорость потока жидкости на различных глубинах в колодец, обычно одно завершено для производства или инъекции. Профиль потока — это журнал, записанная в единице например баррелей в день, или в процентах от общего потока из водохранилища в производство хорошо или в водохранилище в инъекции хорошо. В однофазного потока можно определить профиль с помощью расходомера. В многофазных потоков в этом случае задержка журнал и либо расходомер или в фазе скорость журнал необходимо, желательно, чтобы показать значения расхода каждого из этапов.
Industry:Oil & gas
Блок НПЗ для улучшить или модернизировать тяжелой нефти для производства жидких углеводородов более высокого качества или повышен синтетической нефти. Нефтепереработки единица может включать любую комбинацию из следующих: процессы добавления водорода, углерода неприятие процессы или процессы концентрации и удаления углерода.
Industry:Oil & gas
A record of the velocity and direction of water flowing in and around a borehole based on oxygen activation. The log may also include estimates of the flow volume and the distance from tool to flowing water. Water, and occasionally carbon dioxide, is the only source of moving oxygen in and around the borehole. Hence, water flow can be detected by oxygen activation, which, being a nuclear technique, is sensitive to flow inside and outside the casing. The measurement is sensitive to small flows, and can be configured to measure upward or downward flow. It is particularly useful as a leak and channel detector, to identify locations of water entry or exit and as a measurement of water velocity in multiphase flow. Logs may be continuous, but the most accurate measurements are made with the tool stationary. <BR><BR>Although first tried in the 1960s, the log was not fully studied and implemented until the late 1970s with a purpose-built experimental tool. Standard pulsed-neutron spectroscopy tools were modified to record the log in the 1980s.
Industry:Oil & gas
A record of the temperature gradient in a well. The temperature log is interpreted by looking for anomalies, or departures, from the reference gradient. This reference might be the geothermal gradient, a log recorded before production started or a log recorded with the well shut-in. Most anomalies are related to the entry of fluids into the borehole or fluid exit into the formation. Since the temperature is affected by material outside the casing, a temperature log is sensitive to not only the borehole but also the formation and the casing-formation annulus. <BR><BR>Temperature logs have many applications, with the most common being to identify zones producing or taking fluid, to evaluate a cement or hydraulic fracture treatment, and to locate lost circulation zones and casing leaks. Since temperature takes time to dissipate, a temperature log tends to reflect the behavior of a well over a longer time period than other measurements.
Industry:Oil & gas
A record of the sound measured at different positions in the borehole. Since fluid turbulence generates sound, high noise amplitudes indicate locations of greater turbulence such as leaks, channels and perforations. Noise logging is used primarily for channel detection, but has also been used to measure flow rates, identify open perforations, detect sand production and locate gas-liquid interfaces. The log may be either a continuous record against depth or a series of stationary readings. The log may indicate the total signal over all frequencies, the signal at a single frequency, or consist of a set of logs for different frequency ranges. Different frequency ranges can be tied to different sources of noise or different flow regimes. <BR><BR>Although first introduced around 1955, the technique was not used commercially until after laboratory studies in the early 1970s.
Industry:Oil & gas
A record of the quantity of different radioactive isotopes near the borehole. The technique used is the same as for natural gamma ray spectroscopy, but measures the quantities of various short half-life radioactive tracers in addition to natural gamma rays. The log is run to monitor the results of processes that can be tagged, for example, hydraulic fracturing, gravel-pack placement, squeeze cementing, acid treatment and lost-circulation detection. Different radioactive tracers are added at different stages of the process so that by measuring the different tracers, it is possible to track the development, for example, of the fracture. The most common radioactive tracers are <SUP>110</SUP>Ag (silver), <SUP>195</SUP>Au (gold), <SUP>135</SUP>I (iodine), <SUP>192</SUP>Ir (iridium), <SUP>124</SUP>Sb (antimony), and <SUP>46</SUP>Sc (scandium).
Industry:Oil & gas
A record of the presence of tracer material placed in or around the borehole to measure fluid movement in injection wells. There are two traditional techniques for recording radioactive-tracer logs: the tracer-loss measurement, in which a tracer material is added to the completion fluid and its progress monitored with a gamma ray tool; and the velocity-shot measurement, in which the tracer is ejected from one part of a production logging tool and its progress monitored by one or more gamma ray detectors farther down the tool. <BR><BR>Radioactive-tracer logs are used to determine injection-flow profiles and detect channels or leaks. They may also be used in production wells, but care must be taken to isolate the fluids on surface until the tracer has decayed to safe levels. The tracer is a radioactive isotope that is soluble in water, oil or gas, or else insoluble, as in the bead tracer. Different radioactive elements with distinct energies and lifetimes may be used. Today, for water injection, the most common is a water-soluble iodine tracer that has a half-life of 8. 1 days, while for steam injection a gas with krypton is used.
Industry:Oil & gas
Запись разница в температуре между двух вертикальных точек в колодец. Большинство журналов дифференциал температуры получаются путем дифференциации журнал нормальной температуры по глубине. Некоторые получаются путем записи разница в температуре между двух вертикально перемещенных датчиков. Обратите внимание, что журнал дифференциал температура и радиальные журнал дифференциал Температура не совпадают.
Industry:Oil & gas
Рекорд плотности, или изменения в плотности жидкости в производстве или инъекции хорошо. Поскольку газ нефть и вода имеют различные плотности, журнал можно определить процент, или задержка, различных жидкостей, непосредственно в случае двухфазного потока и в сочетании с другими измерениями для трехфазных потока. Плотность жидкости измеряется gradiomanometer или ядерной плотномер жидкости, а также могут быть получены из глубины производная от датчика давления.
Industry:Oil & gas
A record of one or more in-situ measurements that describe the nature and behavior of fluids in or around the borehole during production or injection. Production logs are run for the purpose of analyzing dynamic well performance and the productivity or injectivity of different zones, diagnosing problem wells, or monitoring the results of a stimulation or completion. The term is sometimes extended to include logs run to measure the physical condition of the well, for example cement bond and corrosion logs. <BR><BR>The earliest production logs consisted of temperature logs (1930s) and flowmeters (1940s), to which were soon added fluid-density and capacitance logs (1950s). Flow-rate measurements were gradually improved by the development of tracer logs and improvement to the basic spinner flowmeter. <BR><BR>These techniques were adequate for near-vertical wells with single or biphasic flow, but could be misleading in highly deviated, and especially horizontal, wells. New techniques were developed starting in the 1980s. These techniques focused on local probes to measure holdup at different points in the borehole, nuclear techniques to analyze the total holdup of all three phases, and phase-velocity logs for the analysis of individual fluids. At the same time, complex flow structures and flow regimes have been studied more extensively using flow loops.
Industry:Oil & gas