Schlumberger Limited
行业: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 8814
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Устройство, подключенное к совместной верхний труб в скважине для поддержки НКТ. Вешалка для трубы, как правило, располагается в голову трубки, с обоих компонентов, включающих уплотнительные системы для обеспечения что труба НКТ и кольце гидравлически изолированы.
Industry:Oil & gas
Описание внутренней области и поверхностей инструмента или трубчатые Ассамблеи, через который существует беспрепятственный внутренний диаметр. В некоторых случаях fullbore используется для описания формы номинальный внутренний диаметр, который простирается по всей длине инструмента или интервал без каких-либо вариантов. В других приложениях термин просто подразумевает способность передавать мяч или аналогичный пункт диаметра заявил дрейфа через Ассамблею.
Industry:Oil & gas
Описание пластовых условиях, при которых жидкость, ранее изолированные или отделена от производства, получает доступ к производству скважины. Чаще всего этот термин применяется к воде или прорыв газов, где воды или газа вводят для поддержания пластового давления через нагнетательные скважины прорывается через одного или нескольких производителей скважин.
Industry:Oil & gas
Описание геометрические распределения жидкости через трубу. Термин похож на режим течения срока, но используется для описания большего масштаба функции, в которых может быть более одного режима потока. К примеру в искривленные хорошо могут существовать пузырь потока газа в нефти в верхней части трубы и вода только в самой низкой части.
Industry:Oil & gas
A depression in the crust of the Earth, caused by plate tectonic activity and subsidence, in which sediments accumulate. Sedimentary basins vary from bowl-shaped to elongated troughs. Basins can be bounded by faults. Rift basins are commonly symmetrical; basins along continental margins tend to be asymmetrical. If rich hydrocarbon source rocks occur in combination with appropriate depth and duration of burial, then a petroleum system can develop within the basin. <BR><BR>Most basins contain some amount of shale, thus providing opportunities for shale gas exploration and production. <BR>
Industry:Oil & gas
A density log that has been corrected for the effect of mud and mudcake by using two or more detectors at different spacings from the source. The shorter the spacing, the shallower the depth of investigation and the larger the effect of the mudcake. Thus, a short spaced detector, which is very sensitive to the mudcake, can be used to correct a long-spaced detector, which is only slightly sensitive to it. <BR><BR>In a typical two-detector compensation scheme, the density measured by the longest spacing detector is corrected by an amount, delta rho, which is a function of the difference between long- and short-spacing densities. The correction is found to depend on the difference between formation and mudcake density multiplied by mudcake thickness. Although there are three unknowns, simple functions are reliable for moderate corrections. Experimental results are often presented in the form of a spine and ribs plot. There are other schemes using, for example, more detectors. Dual detector density logs were introduced in the mid 1960s.
Industry:Oil & gas
Значение данных, которое не является правильным. Это может быть вызвано неисправной измерения или неправильной обработки данных.
Industry:Oil & gas
Метод обновления распределений, требует предварительного распределения необходимые геологические характеристики определены и что расчет задней распределений основываться на точной стохастические модели.
Industry:Oil & gas
A method of thermal recovery in which a well is injected with steam and then subsequently put back on production. A cyclic steam-injection process includes three stages. The first stage is injection, during which a slug of steam is introduced into the reservoir. The second stage, or soak phase, requires that the well be shut in for several days to allow uniform heat distribution to thin the oil. Finally, during the third stage, the thinned oil is produced through the same well. The cycle is repeated as long as oil production is profitable. <BR><BR>Cyclic steam injection is used extensively in heavy-oil reservoirs, tar sands, and in some cases to improve injectivity prior to steamflood or in situ combustion operations. <BR><BR>Cyclic steam injection is also called steam soak or the huff 鈥榥鈥?puff (slang) method.
Industry:Oil & gas
A method of thermal recovery in which fire is generated inside the reservoir by injecting a gas containing oxygen, such as air. A special heater in the well ignites the oil in the reservoir and starts a fire. <BR><BR>The heat generated by burning the heavy hydrocarbons in place produces hydrocarbon cracking, vaporization of light hydrocarbons and reservoir water in addition to the deposition of heavier hydrocarbons known as coke. As the fire moves, the burning front pushes ahead a mixture of hot combustion gases, steam and hot water, which in turn reduces oil viscosity and displaces oil toward production wells. <BR><BR>Additionally, the light hydrocarbons and the steam move ahead of the burning front, condensing into liquids, which adds the advantages of miscible displacement and hot waterflooding. <BR><BR>In situ combustion is also known as fire flooding or fireflood.
Industry:Oil & gas