- 行业: Computer
- Number of terms: 2033
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Symantec Corporation is an computer security software corporation headquartered in Mountain View, California, United States. It is a Fortune 500 company and a member of the S&P 500 stock market index.
Désigne les serveurs de noms de la racine domaines .com, .edu, .gov, et. org. Ces serveurs de noms se spécialisent en fournissant des recommandations aux autorités inscrites dans leurs domaines.
Industry:Network hardware
A logical delivery path between two IP networks or hosts. When a specific path for a particular network or host does not exist, packets being sent to that host or network are delivered using the sender's default route, which is also known as the default gateway. The routing table is used to hold all the routes (that is, delivery paths) known by a host and can be displayed from the Command Prompt window using the "route print" command. Static routes to particular hosts or networks can be set in the registry using the "route add -p" command. Full command syntax for the route command can be displayed using "route -help".
Industry:Network hardware
Fait référence à un serveur DNS faisant autorité qui reçoit les informations de domaine/zone (c'est-à-dire, les enregistrements de ressources DNS c'est responsable) en demandant cette information à partir du serveur principal pour le domaine dans un processus connu comme un transfert de zone. La principale raison des serveurs secondaires ont été inventés a été plus faible charge administrative. En d'autres termes, l'administrateur doit seulement maintenir le serveur principal, après quoi le mécanisme de transfert de zone s'assure que les serveurs secondaires sont automatiquement mis à jour.
Industry:Network hardware
The IPSEC mechanism by which the management of authentication and encryption algorithms and their keys are decoupled from the suite of IPSEC protocols. A bidirectional communications session (A<->B) will normally have one Security Association (SA) for each direction - one for A->B traffic, and another for B->A traffic. The SPI, a 32-bit number contained in the packet, identifies the SA, and, hence, the algorithms and keys to be used in the processing of the packet.
Industry:Network hardware
The opposite of client-side transparency (see "transparent"). A transparent connection (TCP) or data stream (UDP) in which the firewall is transparent to the client. In other words, the client addresses the server directly, rather than indirectly through the firewall. Another way of putting it is that the true server, and not the gateway, is the target of the traffic. Typically used for outbound access. Outbound server-side transparency requires that the client's default route or gateway points to the IP address of the firewall's inside interface (or to a router whose default route gets there).
Industry:Network hardware
Cet acronyme signifie Simple Network Management Protocol et se réfère à des protocoles qui utilisent des ports 161/UDP et 162/UDP. SNMP est décrite dans un certain nombre de documents RFC, dont la dernière est RFC 1901 à 1908.
Industry:Network hardware
This acronym means "Telecommunications Network", and refers to the terminal session application-level protocol that uses port 23/TCP.
Industry:Network hardware
Désigne une connexion (TCP) ou un flux de données (UDP) envoyées par un client directement à un serveur, dans lequel le client est au courant de la passerelle intermédiaire. Le contraire de l'opaque. Accès transparent est couramment utilisé pour le trafic sortant afin que les clients ne sont pas conscients de la passerelle intermédiaire. Ceci est parfois dénommé transparence côté serveur, parce que le vrai serveur et pas la porte d'entrée, est la cible de la connexion.
Industry:Network hardware
Le tunnel est un terme souvent mal utilisé. En un sens, il peut être utilisé pour désigner capacité - c'est-à-dire, de filtrage de paquets du pare-feu Raptor tunnels locales. Il peut également être utilisé lors de l'examen de la mise en œuvre des VPN, comme dans les tunnels RaptorMobile, tunnels IPSEC ou tunnels ISAKMP.
Industry:Network hardware
This acronym means "Virtual Private Networking". VPN is a secure means of moving sensitive information across an inherently unsecure network, such as the Internet, to a protected network behind a secure gateway. VPN traffic is encrypted to secure the information, and encapsulated so that the secure gateway understands where to send the traffic in the protected network. Encapsulation can also have the desirable side-effect of concealing the final destination, or the real source from prying eyes during its transmission across the unsecure network. The Raptor Firewall supports the ISAKMP dynamic key exchange mechanism, which reduces the administrative tasks necessary for configuring VPN traffic. Since the IPSEC and ISAKMP technologies are public domain standards, the VPN functionality of the Raptor firewall can interoperate with other vendor platforms that are also compliant.
Industry:Network hardware