Transport Canada
行业: Government
Number of terms: 8785
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Department of the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. Transport Canada is based in Ottawa, Ontario
Une expression utilisée par les pilotes pour indiquer qu'ils ont reçu des informations de piste, le vent et altimètre seulement.
An expression used by pilots to indicate that they have received runway, wind and altimeter information only.
An expression used in radiocommunication meaning "I repeat for clarity or emphasis."
An expression used in radiocommunication meaning "I repeat for clarity or emphasis."
An expression meaning "I am in distress." It is the international radiotelephony distress signal. Preferably spoken three times, it indicates imminent and grave danger and means that immediate assistance is requested.
An expression meaning "I am in distress." It is the international radiotelephony distress signal. Preferably spoken three times, it indicates imminent and grave danger and means that immediate assistance is requested.
Une expression utilisée pour demander la priorité ATS de manutention pour un vol d'évacuation médicale basé sur une urgence médicale dans le transport des patients, les donneurs d'organes, les organes ou autre urgente de matériel médical de sauver des vies. Cette expression doit être utilisée sur des plans de vol (FP) et dans les communications radiotéléphoniques, si un pilote détermine qu'il faut une priorité.
An expression used to request ATS priority handling for a medical evacuation flight based on a medical emergency in the transport of patients, organ donors, organs or other urgently needed life-saving medical material. This expression is to be used on flight plans (FP) and in radiotelephone communications if a pilot determines that a priority is required.
Canada : L'autorité fédérale responsable de l'aviation militaire.
Canada: The federal authority responsible for military aviation.