U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation
行业: Government
Number of terms: 15655
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A U.S. Department of the Interior agency that oversees water resource management incuding the oversight and operation of numerous diversion, delivery, and storage projects the agency has built throughout the western United States for irrigation, water supply, and attendant hydroelectric power ...
Differential of pressure causing flow in a fluid system, usually expressed in terms of the height of a liquid column that pressure will support. The difference in number of feet between two water surface elevations. Height of water above a specified point. The back-pressure against a pump. The vertical distance between two points in a fluid. The vertical distance that would statically result from the velocity of a moving fluid.
Regional planning and coordination of preparedness and response actions are accomplished through the RRT. RRT membership is the same as the National Response Team (NRT) but also includes state representation through the SERC. RRT may also include incident - specific teams established following notification of an incident through membership of the RRT as they relate to the technical nature and geographic location of the incident.
The maximum load-carrying ability of the equipment, exclusive of station use, under specified conditions for a given time interval, independent of the characteristics of the load. Capability is determined by design characteristics, physical conditions, adequacy of prime mover, energy supply, and operating limitations such as cooling and circulating water supply and temperature, headwater and tailwater elevations, and electrical use.
The reservoir capacity below the highest of the elevations representing either the top of exclusive flood control capacity, the top of joint use capacity, or the top of active conservation capacity. In the case of a natural lake which has been enlarged, the total capacity includes the dead capacity of the lake. Total capacity is used to express the total quantity of water which can be impounded and is exclusive of surcharge capacity.
Reaction of alkalis which occurs between certain argillaceous dolomitic limestones and the alkaline pore solution in the concrete and causes expansion and extensive cracking. Expansive dolomite limestones are characterized by a matrix of fine calcite and clay minerals with scattered dolomite rhobohedra. This reaction usually occurs early and structures may show cracking within 5 years after construction. See alkali-aggregate reaction.
The elevation of a surface or a surface slope. The elevation of the invert of the bottom of a pipeline, canal, culvert, or conduit. The fall (slope) of a line of pipe in reference to a horizontal plane. The inclination or slope of a pipeline, conduit, stream channel, or natural ground surface; usually expressed in terms of the ratio or percentage of number of units of vertical rise or fall per unit of horizontal distance (rise over run).
The elevation of a surface or a surface slope. The elevation of the invert of the bottom of a pipeline, canal, culvert, or conduit. The fall (slope) of a line of pipe in reference to a horizontal plane. The inclination or slope of a pipeline, conduit, stream channel, or natural ground surface; usually expressed in terms of the ratio or percentage of number of units of vertical rise or fall per unit of horizontal distance (rise over run).
A fee which is collected only from those persons who use a particular service, as opposed to one collected from the public in general. User fees generally vary in proportion to the degree of use of the service.
Any of a family of crest gates consisting of two leaves, an upstream leaf hinged and sealed at the upstream edge and a downstream leaf hinged and sealed on its downstream edge. The two leaves have a sliding seal at their juncture. When lowered the leaves are in a horizontal position. Gate is raised by admitting water from the forebay into the space beneath the leaves. Probably the first gate operated on the principal of application of headwater pressure.
The earthquake that the structure must safely withstand with no damage. All systems and components necessary to the uninterrupted functioning of the project are designed to remain operable during the ground motions associated with the OBE. This includes the dam, appurtenant structures, electrical and mechanical equipment, relays, spillway gates, and valves. For most usage in Reclamation, the OBE is specified to have a 90% probability of nonoccurrence in a 25-year-exposure period. This is equivalent to a recurrence interval of 237 years. Economic considerations for specific projects may lead to consideration of other values. The earthquake(s) for which the structure is designed to resist and remain operational. It reflects the level of earthquake protection desired for operational or economic reasons and may be determined on a probabilistic basis considering the regional and local geology and seismology.