- 行业: Government
- Number of terms: 15655
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
A U.S. Department of the Interior agency that oversees water resource management incuding the oversight and operation of numerous diversion, delivery, and storage projects the agency has built throughout the western United States for irrigation, water supply, and attendant hydroelectric power ...
Товщина або ширина гребля на рівні у верхній частині гребля (за винятком corbels або парапетів). В цілому, термін, товщина використовується для гравітації і арки мостом і ширина використовується для інших мостом.
Ketebalan atau lebar bendungan di tingkat atas bendungan (termasuk corbels atau parapets). Secara umum, istilah ketebalan adalah untuk gravitasi dan lengkungan bendungan, dan lebar digunakan untuk bendungan lainnya.
Толщины и ширины плотины на уровне верхней плотины (за исключением Спроектируем и парапеты). В общем, толщина используется для гравитации и арка плотины и ширины термин используется для других дамб.
Short-throated flumes are considered short because they control flow in a region that produces curvilinear flow. While they may be termed shortthroated, the overall specified length of the finished structure, including transitions, may be relatively long. The Parshall flume is the main example of this kind of flume. These flumes would require detailed accuracy and accurate knowledge of the individual streamline curvatures for calculated ratings which is usually considered impractical. Thus short-throated flumes are determined empirically by comparison with other more precise and accurate water measuring systems.
The earthquake selected for design or evaluation of the structure. This earthquake would generate the most critical ground motions for evaluation of the seismic performance of the structure among those loadings to which the structure might be exposed. For example, if a site were assigned MCE's from two separate sources, the MCE which would be expected to generate the most severe ground motions would be the maximum design earthquake. The response of the structure to specific ground motion parameters (frequency, duration, etc.) needs to be considered in specifying this event. In certain cases, more than one maximum design earthquake may be specified to reflect the differing response of various components of the structure to earthquake loading. A postulated seismic event, specified in terms of specific bedrock motion parameters at a given site, which is used to evaluate the seismic resistance of manmade structures or other features at the site.
A postup, ktorého majú vratný tok a akéhokolvek použitie prvkov otočí vody z danú cestu. Odstránením vody z jeho prírodné kanál na humánne použitie. Použitie časti prúdenia toku ako zásobovanie vodou. Kanál naprieč sklon vedie povrchový odtok meniace zvyknutí priebehu celého alebo časti prúdu. a štrukturálne preprava (alebo priekopa) vyrobené vo svahu zachytiť odtoku tečúcou nadol svahu a presmerovanie na niektoré pohodlné vypúšťania.
This value is the sum of annual receipts from sale of crops produced. Production of crops, such as pasture and hay which normally are consumed on the farm by livestock, shall be converted to cash market values and included with crop sales. Total market value of all crop production from irrigated lands before deducting costs of production. Unit prices represent the weighted average prices received by farmers for the part of the crop that is sold. Production and price information are obtained from reports of farmers, project-operating personnel, local agricultural specialists, and State-Federal agricultural statisticians.
Le tremblement de terre sélectionné pour la conception ou l'évaluation de la structure. Ce tremblement de terre pourrait générer les mouvements du sol plus critiques pour l'évaluation de la performance sismique de la structure parmi ces charges auxquelles la structure pourrait être exposée. Par exemple, si un site ont été affecté du MCE de deux sources distinctes, la Carto qui devrait générer les mouvements du sol plus sévères serait le tremblement de terre de conception maximale. La réponse de la structure de requête spécifique au sol paramètres (fréquence, durée, etc.) doit être considéré dans la spécification de cet événement. Dans certains cas, plus d'un tremblement de terre de conception maximale peut être spécifié pour tenir compte de la réponse différente des diverses composantes de la structure au tremblement de terre de chargement. Un événement sismique postulé, spécifié en fonction des paramètres de requête socle spécifique à un site donné, qui est utilisée pour évaluer la résistance sismique des structures artificielles ou d'autres caractéristiques du site.
Скорость ввода воды в почву, выраженный в виде глубина воды на единицу времени в дюймах / час или футов в день. Изменения курса проникновение с временем в период полива.
O terremoto selecionado para design ou avaliação da estrutura. Este terremoto iria gerar os movimentos de solo mais críticos para a avaliação do desempenho sísmico da estrutura entre as cargas a que a estrutura pode ser exposta. Por exemplo, se um site foram atribuído do MCE de duas fontes separadas, MCE que seria esperado para gerar os movimentos de solo mais graves seria o terremoto de máxima. a resposta da estrutura para movimento de solo específicas necessidades de parâmetros (freqüência, duração, etc.) a serem considerados na especificação deste evento. Em certos casos, mais do que um terremoto de máxima pode ser especificado para refletir a resposta diferente dos diversos componentes da estrutura ao terremoto de carregamento. Um evento sísmico postulado, especificado em termos de parâmetros de movimento alicerce específico em um determinado site, que é usado para avaliar a resistência sísmica de estruturas artificiais ou outras funcionalidades no site.