行业: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Die Reserven angesammelt gemäß der Satzung des Unternehmens. Art. 672 der Bundesrepublik des Obligationenrechts Staaten die Satzung vorsehen können, dass mehr als 5 % des Jahresüberschusses gesetzlichen Reserven zugewiesen werden und dass der Reservefonds mehr als 20 % des Grundkapitals betragen muß gesetzlich festgelegten. Die Artikel können fordern die Schaffung zusätzlicher Reservefonds und definieren ihre Verwendung und Einsatzzweck (gesetzlichen Reservefonds). Siehe auch Reserven.
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Obligatorische Speichern auf einer großen Skala durch eine Staat auferlegte Einschränkung der Verbraucher Ausgaben, entwickelt in einer Weise, dass das Geld «» in Investitionen geleitet wird, Rente finanzieren Finanzierung etc..
US: Bond whose owners have agreed to reduced interest payments or a reduced repayment of principal on the basis of a reorganization or rescheduling plan. See also bond issue in default.
Requirement that during trading hours exchange members (e.g. on the Swiss Exchange) settle all orders up to a pre-agreed size (limit) via the exchange.
Safeguarding, fiduciary. Used in banking for account and custody account maintenance with a management agreement. See also managed account.
A written list detailing goods included in a shipment by rail or road. Unlike a bill of lading, it does not have the status of a security.
Also known as indirect quotation. Term used in foreign exchange for a method of indicating currency prices, whereby one unit (or 100 units) of the home currency is expressed in units of a foreign currency. Most countries use direct listing.
Also: warrant. Receipt given by a warehouse for goods stored on its premises. Merely a confirmation, not a tradable instrument.
Position taken by the purchase or sale of a contract but not yet closed by an opposite position.