行业: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Profitability ratio of the profit over a given period against the average assets of the company. Abbr. ROA.
Standardized futures contract on a Swiss government bond with a maturity of between 8 and 13 years and a coupon of 6 percent. See also financial future.
Abbr.: M&A. The M&A package of services that commercial and investment banks offer companies acquiring major shareholdings or entire companies. Usually embraces consultancy, identifying suitable investments, engineering the actual transaction and financing.
A Maß für eine Option Empfindlichkeit auf Änderungen der Zinssätze (oder Änderungen der Dividendenzahlungen), d. h. das Ausmaß, zu dem der Wert der Option ändert aufgrund einer Verschiebung der Zinssätze auf risikoloser Anlageinstrumente.
Abk.: CDS. Kreditderivat unter den Bedingungen, von denen eine Gegenpartei verspricht, auf der anderen künftigen Risikovorsorge im Kreditgeschäft im Austausch gegen die Zahlung einer Prämie zu nehmen.
SRI-Ansatz (Teilmenge von Gemeinwohl-Investitionen), das Finanzdienstleistungen (Kleinkredite, aber auch Spar- und Versicherung) zum Unternehmer – vor allem Frauen in den Entwicklungsländern – ermöglicht, die unter Schwellenwert für mainstream Banken fallen.
A measure of an option's sensitivity to changes in interest rates (or changes in dividend payments), i.e. the extent to which the option's value changes as a result of a shift in interest rates on risk-free investment instruments.
Abbr.: CDS. Credit derivative under the terms of which one counterparty pledges to take on the other's future loan losses in exchange for the payment of a premium.
SRI approach (subset of community investing) that provides financial services (small loans, but also savings and insurance) to entrepreneurs – mainly women in developing countries – who fall below threshold for mainstream banks.
Synonym für Risikobereitschaft.