- 行业: Education
- Number of terms: 1674
- Number of blossaries: 1
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The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is a public university located on three urban campuses in Chicago. UIC ranks in the top 50 US institutions with strong research programs. The university boasts one of the largest medical schools in the US and operates Illinois’ major public medical center ...
Those cortical areas primarily concerned with the processing of visual information. The visual areas of the cortex are primarily located in the occipital lobe: the rear, lower part of the cortex.
An inability to name colors despite intact color vision as demonstrated by non-verbal tests.
At each wavelength in the visible spectrum, the proportion of incident light the surface reflects at that wavelength.
A method for imaging cerebral blood flow and, indirectly, brain activity making use of tracers that emit positrons. The tracer is introduced into the subject's blood and then its concentration is measured using the emitted positrons. Since local cerebral blood flow appears to be correlated with neuronal activity PET scans can be used to monitor local brain activity.
A defect of color vision due to damage to the brain, typically to areas of the visual cortex. Central achromatopsia is distinct from the more common forms of color defect which are the result of photoreceptor loss or abnormality.
Vision under relatively high light levels when the visual response is primarily controlled by the cones.
The fact that the effect on a photopigment of absorbing a photon is independent of its wavelength. Thus the response of a photoreceptor is determined solely by the number of photons absorbed and is not sensitive to the wavelengths of those photons. This has the important consequence that there is no information in the response of a single photoreceptor about the wavelength of the light which affects it. A single photoreceptor with a single photopigment is incapable of distinguishing between an intense light at a wavelength to which it is relatively insensitive and a weak light at a wavelength to which it is relatively sensitive. Chromatic as opposed to black-and-white vision thus requires multiple photoreceptor types.
Common tests for color blindness that use patterns of colored dots. A normal subject will see a certain figure in the pattern, while a color blind individual will see a different figure or no figure at all.
The wavelength of the monochromatic light that when mixed with a specified achromatic light in suitable proportion yields a match to the stimulus under consideration. Since there is no unique best choice of achromatic light, the dominant wavelength of a stimulus is relative to the choice of a particular achromatic light. Illuminant C is a popular and convenient choice of achromatic reference. The colorimetric equivalent of hue.
The amount of energy required to move an electron across a potential difference of one volt. A common unit of energy in physics.