主页 > 词条 > 克罗地亚语 (HR) > strateške naftne rezerve
strateške naftne rezerve
The strategic petroleum reserve consists of government owned and controlled crude oil stockpiles stored at various locations in the Gulf Coast region of the country. These reserves can be drawn down in response to sever oil supply disruptions. The target is to have a reserve of 750 million barrels of oil. Use of the reserve must be authorized by the President of the United States.
- 词性: 名词
- 同义词:
- 词汇:
- 行业/领域: 能源
- 类别 一般
- Company: California Energy Commission
- 产品:
- 取首字母的缩写词:
行业/领域: 卫生保健 类别
Robert G Edwards
Dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za fiziologiju 2010. godine, dr Robert Edward, zajedno s pokojnim dr Patrickom Steptoeom razvio je in-vitro oplodnju (IVF) ...