Прелиминарен тест кој се користи за да се провери дијабетес. Исто така наречен гликоза предизвик тест (GCT). Едно лице пие слатка гликоза еден час пред некое крвно повлекување. ...
This is the next step if a glucose screening test comes back elevated. A fast is required prior to this three-hour study, which consists of consuming a highly concentrated sweet ...
1. One of the three main nutrients in food. Foods that provide fat are butter, margarine, salad dressing, oil, nuts, meat, poultry, fish, and some dairy products. 2. A greasy ...
A group of rare, usually inherited disorders that affect the skin or nervous system and may cause abdominal pain. When a person has porphyria, cells fail to change porphyrins ...