A (typically) thin mass of plant fibers in sheets or rolls that serves to bear marks from various media (paints, graphite, charcoal, etc. ) And may serve as a background to a ...
Matted plant fibres made into sheet form either by hand (traditional) or machine (modern). Handmade paper was produced by drying pulp, produced from beating cotton or linen rags ...
Offset papers manufactured with a pH of 6. 0 to 8. 0 on a scale of. 0 to 14. 0. Neutral pH factors are built into paper as a minimum value, to increase stability and improve ...
Alkaline process of cooking pulp also known as the kraft process. Wood chips are cooked to a high brightness without fiber degradation in a substance of sodium sulfate and sodium ...
Средба на епископите на црковните провинција или патријаршија (или дури и од целиот свет, Е. Г., Синодот на Епископите) да се разговара за научни и ...