Abbr.: ECB. Central bank of the European Monetary Union whose remit is to implement European monetary policy within the EMU. The headquarters of the European Central Bank are in ...
The central bank of the European union, responsible since January 1999 for setting the official short-term interest rate in countries using the Euro as their domestic currency. In ...
Organization which conducts banking transactions (mainly in the areas of financing, investment and payment operations) together with all accompanying services. Depending on ...
Starting out as places that would guard your money, banks became the main source of credit creation. Increasingly, however, borrowers are turning to the financial markets and to ...
The stuff that enables people to earn a living. Human capital can be increased by investing in education, training and health care. Economists increasingly argue that the ...
Production costs that do not change when the quantity of output produced changes, for instance, the cost of renting an office or factory space. Contrast with variable costs.
A middleman. An individual or institution that brings together investors (the source of funds) and users of funds (such as borrowers). May be increasingly at risk of ...
Sales abroad. Exports grew steadily as a share of world output during the second half of the 20th century. Yet by some measures this share was no higher than at the end of the ...
What people assume about the future, especially when they make decisions. Economists debate whether people have irrational or rational expectations, or adaptive expectations that ...