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Why is love so hard?

I dont think I will ever understand love.
  • 行业/领域: 个人生活
  • 类别
  • Created: 06:03, 31 August 2011

AnswerBea (7)


Love...what is it good for? Absolutely everything. That's why it's so tough to understand.

02:46, 17 January 2012

Cynthia go go

I thought I understand love, but why I have never got love?

21:36, 4 September 2011


But we all need love.

09:53, 2 September 2011


Because it is supposed to last a lifetime, soft things don't last long enough.

04:44, 1 September 2011

Robert Derbyshire

Hi Cecilia, Sounds like you need a hug! Hope you're ok.

01:29, 1 September 2011




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