Заједничка европска валута, и наследник ЕЦУ, која је ступила у општу употребу 2002. године међу оним земљама које су биле подписнице економске и монетарне ...
Something that represents something else, whether by resembling it or by being related to it through cultural associations. Often symbols are material objects or images that stand ...
A person, object, image, word, or event that evokes a range of additional meaning beyond and usually more abstract than its literal significance. Symbols are educational devices ...
The salary (or base pay) provided to an employee as expressed in a given frequency, such as annual, monthly, weekly or hourly. Fixed compensation is typically set or changed on a ...
A formula that is stored in a cell of a shape instead of being inherited from a master or a style. A local formula overrides changes to the corresponding cell in the master of ...