TermWiki is the new way to globalize your knowledge.

It’s a social platform. It’s an educational resource. It’s where people from all over the world come together to share what they know.

All of the information in TermWiki is based on specific subject-oriented terms and short encyclopedia-like entries. They are user-created and user-managed, and are marked with the information of the person who created them—so you will always get props for your expert advice, information, and insight.

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Share a term in any one of the 1500+ subjects and have it instantly viewable by millions of users from around the world. You can also add terms of your company and/or products. Terms you add may be translated up to 100 languages by other community members.


政治; 一般政治

2012 年 4 月 2 日,英国政府宣布一 1 亿英镑 (约 1.6 亿美元) 的计划,以解决青年失业问题。方案由副首相尼克克莱格领导,其目的是要进入工作的失业的 16 到 24 岁的年轻人。包包括 160,000 工资奖励和 250,000 的工作经验安排 ...


政治; 国际政治

以色列军队与巴勒斯坦在加沙地带的军事冲突武装集团在 2010 年 3 月发生的。 以色列与哈马斯之间的紧张关系跑高在加沙战争之后,虽然战斗结束后签署了停火协议。没有发生严重的武装的事件发生过这些冲突。但是,紧张跑高,尤其是与莫萨德涉嫌暗杀哈马斯指挥官马哈茂德 ...

David Howell 彼得雷乌斯

政治; 美国政治

美国前军官和公职人员。他担任中央情报机构的主任从 2011 年 9 月 6 日,直到他日 2012 年 11 月 9 日辞职。他假设的中央情报局,彼得雷乌斯出任董事前 四星级的一般在美国军队服役超过 37 年。他在军队中的最后一个任务是作为国际安全援助部队 ...

政治 词条

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The TermWiki community aims to collect every term in every subject in the world and make it available in every language. But we can only do that with your help! Either use the Workbench to translate many terms at once, or if you come across a term you know how to translate when browsing, just click the more languages button to add your translation instantly.

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marketing terms

类别: 商业   1 1 词条

Hunger Games

类别: 文学   2 39 词条

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As a centralized platform for the confluence of different cultures and subject-matter experts from around the world, TermWiki will bring you face-to-face with the world internet community. Say you have a question about a particular term, perhaps why it was translated in a particular way – with TermWiki, you can get in touch with the initial translator to find out! Or perhaps you have a more general issue to address – visit AnswerBea and take the question to the entire community!