主页 > 产品类别 > 艺术与工艺
Arts & crafts comprises a multitude of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands, usually from scratch. They can be sub-divided into 'handicrafts'( or traditional crafts ) that are fashioned in an old style using long practised techniques, and the rest which are more modern inventions that have become recent trends or fads.
11类别 14683词条
艺术与工艺 > 美术
ilfochrome 经典 (cibachrome) 打印
艺术与工艺; 美术
Ilfochrome 经典 (Cibachrome) 今天无疑是最佳美术彩色打印过程可用。其档案的品质使它适合画廊和博物馆的展品。图像清晰度和色彩保真度是无与伦比的。在聚酯基这是经久耐用,化学惰性,不会随着年龄的增长黄色 构建。只纯偶氮类有机图像成形染料用。这些染料产量具有更丰富的色彩饱和度和色相更准确翻译的图像。本产品有 unexcelled ...