Any device found in the home designed for a specific function, especially electric devices such as toasters or refrigerators.
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这通常位于在屋内,包含室内盘管、 风机、 电机、 和过滤设备,有时称为空气处理程序。
设备的同时控制空气温度、 相对湿度、 纯度和议案的程序集。
完全取代空气中的房间或建筑物 ; 所需的空气量不要混淆与再循环空气。
The unit of measure used in air conditioning to describe the cooling capacity of a system. One ton of cooling is based on the amount of heat needed to melt one ton (2000 lbs.) of ...
In an absorption cycle, the vessel in which the lithium bromide solution is reconcentrated by boiling off the previously absorbed water.
空气冷却低于露点 ; 空气中水汽的减少去除的水汽从空气通过化学手段、 制冷等。