Articles made from precious metals and often set with gemstones that are worn on the body for personal adornment.
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The abbreviation for millimeter; our standard unit of measurement for jewelry dimensions. For an approximate conversion to inches.
矿物和刚玉红窗体。随着蓝宝石,红宝石是第二最坚硬的矿物,(钻石是最难的)。红宝石作为 7 月的诞生石和 15 和 40 的结婚纪念日的传统礼品。 ...
The reddish-brown birthstone for January. Less common varieties are found in all colors except blue. Garnet is also the traditional gift for the 18th wedding anniversary.
为 4Cs 的措施的金额缺席中的夹杂物和上一颗钻石的瑕疵之一。明确范围从完美到包括/不完美。
The result of combining pure gold with large amounts of copper. Also called "Rose" or "Red" Gold.
滑过去的手,有时与扣一个刚性手镯。手镯 (也称为朱里或 Choodi) 一词是南亚裔的表示由来自印度、 巴基斯坦和孟加拉国的妇女传统上佩带的项目。 ...