Related to any physical feature of the earth's natural environment.
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The weight of all present solids per unit volume of water. It is usually determined by evaporation. The total weight concerns both dissolved and suspended organic and inorganic ...
Radiation that has a wavelength shorter than visible light. It is often used to kill bacteria and destroy ozone.
司基于一般每年的雨季和旱季期间的模式,而不是一个日历年。在得克萨斯州水年是从 10 月 1 日到 9 月 30 日。水年指定的历年在其中它结束。因此,截至 2009 年 9 月 30 日一年被称为 ...
(以 mg/L) 所需的有机物的分解由单细胞有机体,在测试条件下的氧气量。它用来衡量的废水中有机污染量。