主页 > 产品类别 > 历史 > African history
African history
The pre-history of Africa begins with the first emergence of Homo sapiens in East Africa, continuing into the present as a patchwork of diverse and politically developing nation states. Agriculture began about 10,000 BCE and metallurgy in about 4000 BCE. Early civilization arose in Egypt and later in the Maghreb and the Horn of Africa. Islam spread through the Maghreb and the Sahel, with a major centre of Moslem culture at Timbuktu. States and polities subsequently formed throughout the continent.
African history
凯瑟琳 · 桑巴 Panza
政治; 国际政治
凯瑟琳 · 桑巴 Panza 创造了历史,当在 2014 年,她成为了中非共和国首位女总统。她带上的位置之间的不稳定和暴力造成该国正在进行的内战的临时总统。她曾作为班吉市市长。她鼓励裁军尽管中非共和国的宗教冲突。 ...