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Catholic church

The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.


Catholic church


宗教; 天主教

神圣的诗歌设置为音乐,意味着,尤其是在礼仪服务 (1156) 期间提高基督教的上帝,人民的心中。


宗教; 天主教

Profanation of or irreverence toward persons, places, and things which are sacred, i.e., dedicated to God; sacrilege against the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, is a particularly grave offense ...


宗教; 天主教

Preaching by an ordained minister to explain the Scriptures proclaimed in the liturgy and to exhort the people to accept them as the Word of God (132, 1100, 1349).


宗教; 天主教

主要节期的除了星期日、 天主教徒有义务教堂依法参加感恩 ;教会的言传身教 (2043年,2180年)。


宗教; 天主教

不公正地去与保存他人对合理的地产将所有者 (2408)。窃取是违反了上帝的诫命中的第七届,"你不为盗。"

宗教; 天主教

不公正地去与保存他人对合理的地产将所有者 (2408)。窃取是违反了上帝的诫命中的第七届,"你不为盗。"


宗教; 天主教

要坚持只有一个主和处女"的缘故天上的王国"的状态中生活的教会的批准决定,并在该国情况下的庄严的仪式 (922-924) 神圣化的妇女。


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