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Catholic church

The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.


Catholic church


宗教; 天主教

交的使徒传道和权力从使徒们向他们的继任者通过铺设的手,作为一个常设办事处在教会 (77、 861) 主教。


宗教; 天主教

治愈我们偕击伤三位一体的神圣生活中给我们一个共享的人性的美。这是习惯性的超自然的礼物而继续工作的我们--使我们"完美,"圣,策和恳求 (1999 ...


宗教; 天主教

圣灵教堂即教会,教皇和主教与他,联盟的牧师可以明确宣布的信念或信仰的信徒 (891) 道德学说的礼物。这份礼物与有关的信徒们的整个身体不能矫枉过正的信念和道德 (92) ...


宗教; 天主教

光荣返回和作为法官的活人和死人的末尾的时间 ; 我们的主和救主耶稣基督的外观基督,当历史记录和所有创作将实现其履行的第二次到来 (1001 ; 参看 668、 ...

圣经 》 的启示

宗教; 天主教

The gift of the Holy Spirit which assisted a human author to write a biblical book so that it has God as its author and teaches faithfully, without error, the saving truth that God has willed to be ...


宗教; 天主教

The free and undeserved gift that God gives us to respond to our vocation to become his adopted children.


宗教; 天主教

四十六个圣经 》 的书记录历史的从创建到旧联盟或与以色列,盟约的救世基督作为救主的世界 (120-121) 的外观作准备。见圣经 》 ; 公约 》。


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