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Chilldren's literature
Within this category would fall terminology used in describing the literature which would include books and multimedia resources specifically produced for children. This will be of interest to publishers, reviewers, librarians, teachers, parents, college professors and college students studying the literature.
Chilldren's literature的贡献者
Chilldren's literature
文学; Chilldren's literature
两个游走球是圆的射流的黑球,铁制。混混是直径 10 英寸 (25 厘米)。他们被描述为被施了魔法飞没有任何明显的推动力,尽管他们做保留惯性,这使得他们不能迅速改变车速或方向。他们作为机载的障碍,在球场周围飞来飞去,不分青红皂白地试图敲球员们从飞天扫帚。 ...
文学; Chilldren's literature
吼叫信是一封血红色的信件,用来表示极度的愤怒,或者大声而公开地传达信息。打开后,发信人的声音被神奇地放大,以震耳欲聋的音量向收信者咆哮,然后自毁。如果没有打开或者延迟打开,信件会冒烟着火,剧烈爆炸,并用比常更大声音咆哮出信息。 ...