主页 > 产品类别 > 卫生保健; 医学 > Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine
Also called traditional Chinese medicine, it's a range of medical practices that rely heavily on the healing powers of herbs, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and dietary therapy. Chinese medicine has been practiced in China for over 2,000 years. In modern times, it's often used as a complementary alternative to Western medicine.
Chinese medicine的贡献者
Chinese medicine
医学; Chinese medicine
蛔虫等寄生肠道,耗吸营养,阻滞气机,以腹部阵痛,痛时有块,贪食而瘦,或大便排虫,或鼻痒、睡中齘齿,或唇内有粟粒样小白点等为常见症的证候。 ...