主页 > 产品类别 > 体育 > Cricket
Terms of or pertaining to the bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a roughly circular field, at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. Each team takes it in turn to bat, in which they attempt to accumulate as many runs as possible, while the other team fields, attempting to prevent the batting team scoring runs.
Net 运行率 (NRR)
体育; 板球
运行的率减去得分由失去团队运行率由获胜队得分。获胜团队获取正值,失去的负值的团队。在一系列,平均值的申办团队所起的所有匹配项采取。另外,一系列,团队 NRR 可以计算为 (得分的总运行) / (总旁白收到) — — (共运行他们承认) / (总旁白打)。 ...