主页 > 产品类别 > 天气 > General weather

General weather

Of or pertaining to weather


General weather


天气; 一般天气

到咽的状态更改一种液体的温度。在其中一种液体和其蒸气之间的平衡蒸气压力等于液体的外部压力,温度。在标准压力纯净水的沸点是 100 度摄氏或华氏 212 ...


天气; 一般天气

水域的地球,尤其是与水溪流、 湖泊、 中和,或土地表面以下的字符和降水和蒸发后发生的影响的研究。

天气; 一般天气

Small particles produced by combustion that are suspended in the air. A transition to haze may occur when the smoke particles have traveled great distance (25 to 100 miles or more), and when the ...


天气; 一般天气

The product of moist, cohesive snow that when initiated by wind rolls down a hill, gathering snow until it can no longer move, either due to size or lack of slope. It is shaped like a rolled sleeping ...


天气; 一般天气

A temperature scale where water at sea level has a freezing point of 0 degrees C (Celsius) and a boiling point of +100 degrees C. More commonly used in areas that observe the metric system of ...


天气; 一般天气

经度线位于 180 度东或西 (与几个本地的偏差) 在日期更改了一天。西线是迟东线的一天。


天气; 一般天气

Frozen precipitation in the form of snow, characterized by its sudden beginning and ending. It is reported as "SHSN" in an observation and on the METAR.


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