主页 > 产品类别 > 农业; 生物技术 > Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering
The science of modifying and manipulating genes to create new artificial DNA or synthetic genes of different organisms. There are many purposes for genetic engineering, some of which include finding better treatment for diseases, or simply for discovering new organism of interest.
Genetic engineering的贡献者
Genetic engineering
生物技术; Genetic engineering
菌剂 (q.v.) 发起的单元格到介质材料扩散损失的文化增长所需关键卷。随后文化生长周期是依赖于的接种量大小,由介质的卷和培养容器的大小决定。
生物技术; Genetic engineering
文化的根尖或侧向原产地生产 体外 根系统与无限生长习性的孤立的根尖。的根文化之间植物组织培养的第一种是和仍然在很大程度上用于研究发展的现象,和菌根、 共生和植物寄生关系。 ...