主页 > 产品类别 > 人权; 法律实施 > Human trafficking
Human trafficking
The buying and selling of human beings for profit. Human trafficking is an extremely serious crime and a gross violation of human rights, which can be classified as a modern form of slavery. The goal of this section is to raise awareness of the problem and to show what is being done at EU-level and in the Member States to fight this injustice, to promote exchange of ideas and cooperation between all organisations, and to help people involved in the fight against trafficking in human beings and the protection of victims.
Human Trafficking的贡献者
Human trafficking
法律实施; Human Trafficking
这是指确保风险的贫穷和社会排斥那些有机会和参与经济和社会生活,保护被认为在他们所生活的社会可接受的生活水平所需的资源的过程。还可确保他们有更多地参与决策,影响他们的生活和访问他们的基本权利。通过这一进程弱势群体授予访问权限教育、 培训、 就业、 commodation、 集体服务和卫生援助。社会包容方案可以在原籍国或目的地中进行。 ...
法律实施; Human Trafficking
在人类招募或移动在自己的国家内,而不是跨国际边界的被贩卖的人是贩运案件。在更复杂的情况下,移民已离开自己的国家由一次在另一个国家的毒贩上当,并在该国家内移动。从技术上讲这也可以被称为国内贩运人口,但这种用法需要额外的解释。 ...