主页 > 产品类别 > 人类学; 宗教 > Mythology
The term mythology can refer to either the study of myths, or to a body of myths. Comparative mythology is the study of connections between myths from different cultures. In the study of folklore, a myth is a sacred narrative explaining how the world and humankind came to be in their present form. Many scholars in other fields use the term "myth" in somewhat different ways. In a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story.
人类学; 神话
其中一个的洛基的兽儿童,Jormungand 是一条大蛇。通过奥丁的干预它增长足够大,以包围地球并抓住自己的尾巴。时它可以让去将成为了世界末日的指标之一。 事件期间的海枯石烂,他会被杀的雷神,但是雷神会死后不久从 Jormungand ...