主页 > 产品类别 > 法律; 法律服务 > Patent & trademark
Patent & trademark
Terms related to patent and trademark applications and infringement litigations. A patent is a form of intellectual property and associated rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time. A trademark, on the other hand, is a distinctive mark or name used by an individual or business organization to identify and distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.
Patent & trademark
法律服务; 专利与商标
根据专利法的规定 (即专利侵权和事先的艺术,要使之无效专利中的预测试验测试) 的两个测试之间的等价一条规则。 的专利索赔从字面上侵犯由事先艺术的引用,如果索赔预计由该事先艺术引用,因此,是专利权。 注意不能预期的等价物而提出的申索。 ...